Sci-Fi Contest

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<img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/u14783/StarTrek.jpg" style="width: 450px; height: 338px; border-width: 5px; border-style: solid;" /></p>
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<a href=""><strong>Enter our contest for a chance to win a PS3, 1 year subscription to Netflix and a lifetime license for PlayOn.</strong></a></p>
Being a Sci-Fi fan is easy with PlayOn.&nbsp; Here are some of our favorites available to you through PlayOn:<br />
&bull;&nbsp; Full series of Lost and Firefly on Hulu<br />
&bull;&nbsp; Stargate Universe, V, and Caprica available on Hulu!<br />
&bull;&nbsp; All 10 seasons of Stargate-SG 1 on Hulu (through May 15, 2010)<br />
&bull;&nbsp; First 3 seasons of Star Trek and Twilight Zone on CBS<br />
&bull;&nbsp; Full series of X-Files on Netflix Instant Queue</p>
In case you&#39;re not familiar with PlayOn here is how it works.</p>
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<img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/u14783/hulu-1-2-3-diagram.png" style="width: 550px; height: 174px;" /><br />
