Popular Science Honors PlayOn with a 2009 “Best of What’s New” Award

Thank you! Without you, our loyal PlayOn users, receiving Popular Science’s 2009 “Best of What’s New” Award for being one of the “100 Best Innovations of the Year” would not have been possible. Your excitement about PlayOn, suggestions and support motivate us to continue making your PlayOn experience even better. This award is a great example of what a significant impact you have on the success of our PlayOn community.

We listen to all of your suggestions. You have inspired new PlayOn features were working on, such as great improvements to My Media before we bring it out of beta. My Media enables you to watch personal media (i.e. photos, music and videos) from your computer on your TV. Try it out if you haven’t already and let us know what you think.

We’d also love to hear your stories about your favorite content you watch with PlayOn and stories about how your friends react when you show them the cool things you can do with PlayOn. Write on our Facebook fan page wall and exchange ideas with your PlayOn community. You can also follow us on Twitter.

Thanks for using PlayOn and sharing the cool things you can do with PlayOn with your friends.
