March for Babies

It has been a wild winter for PlayOn, and an even wilder one for me personally. I delivered our 2nd daughter in November - 3 and 1/2 months early at only 2lbs. She remained in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for 100 long days. You can learn a little more about my daughter Amelia (and the rest of my family)by watching a local newscast on our situation:


Before "Millie" was born, I knew little about the March of Dimes. They provided valuable assistance to us, including organizing the Thanksgiving dinner shown in the news story. Importantly, they fund research to prevent prematurity and help babies born too early or sick.

The MediaMall/PlayOn team has been super supportive of me and my family. I am grateful that I work with such a kind, caring, and progressive group of folks.

I'd love to have your support as well as we help raise money for the March for Babies -- to ensure every baby has a healthy start.

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Thanks for your support!
